About Lindsay Unified

Our mission of Empowering and Motivating for Today and Tomorrow and all facets of the LUSD Strategic Design will continue to create many successes for our learners in the performance-based system. The dedicated and focused work of the past several years will bear much fruit as our learners continue to gain the academic knowledge and social skills that will effectively prepare them to reach their fullest potential. The learning facilitators, leaders, and support staff in Lindsay Unified are proven professionals with an impressive record of dedicated service to the learners they serve. In Lindsay Unified, all learners are educated by people that are highly skilled, caring, compassionate, and persistent in maintaining high levels of academic rigor. We are an innovative, dedicated, committed team of people who are focused on learning and really believe in our learners.

With a relentless focus on student learning, the Lindsay Learning Community will continue to move closer to the section of the district’s Learning Vision which states Every day, Lindsay students come to school and are met at their developmental learning level, they are challenged, they are successful, and they leave school wanting to return tomorrow.” As all components of the LUSD Strategic Design become a reality, Lindsay Unified will lead the way in transforming public education so that it will effectively prepare all learners for the challenges of the future!

District Announcement

Information on Recent Immigration Concerns

Dear Lindsay Unified School District Families and Staff,

Recent national and local conversations surrounding immigration and the potential impact to public education have understandably raised concerns and uncertainty within our community. We recognize that these discussions may cause feelings of fear and apprehension for learners, families, and staff.

At Lindsay Unified, we remain unwavering in our commitment to providing a welcoming, safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment for all learners and staff. Our vision is rooted in the belief that every learner deserves access to a high-quality education, regardless of immigration status. It is important to emphasize that immigration status is not collected at enrollment, and we hold no records regarding the immigration status of learners or their families.

While we continue with our commitment in ensuring that our learning communities remain safe, nurturing spaces where learners can thrive, and where staff can continue to empower and motivate learners, we will continue to communicate, support, and uphold our responsibility to serve our Lindsay families.

Lindsay Unified is more than a school district—we are a community. Together, we will navigate these times with compassion, strength, and an unwavering focus on the safety, success and well-being of every learner and staff member.

Thank you for your support,

Lindsay Unified School District Administration


Información sobre preocupaciones migratorias recientes

Estimadas familias y personal del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lindsay:

Es comprensible que las recientes conversaciones nacionales y locales sobre la inmigración y el impacto potencial en la educación pública hayan generado preocupaciones e incertidumbre dentro de nuestra comunidad. Reconocemos que estas discusiones pueden causar sentimientos de miedo y aprensión en los alumnos, las familias y el personal.

En el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lindsay, seguimos firmes en nuestro compromiso de brindar un ambiente de aprendizaje acogedor, seguro, inclusivo y de apoyo para todos los alumnos y el personal. Nuestra visión se basa en la creencia de que cada alumno merece acceso a una educación de alta calidad, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Es importante enfatizar que el estado migratorio no se recopila en el momento de la inscripción y no mantenemos registros sobre el estado migratorio de los alumnos o sus familias.

Si bien continuamos con nuestro compromiso de garantizar que nuestras comunidades de aprendizaje permanezcan seguras, fomentando espacios donde los alumnos puedan prosperar y donde el personal pueda continuar empoderando y motivando a los alumnos, continuaremos comunicándonos, apoyando y manteniendo nuestra responsabilidad de servir a nuestras familias de Lindsay.

El Distrito Escolar de Lindsay es más que un distrito escolar: somos una comunidad. Juntos, navegaremos estos tiempos con compasión, fortaleza y un enfoque inquebrantable en la seguridad, el éxito y el bienestar de cada alumno y miembro del persona

Gracias por su apoyo,

Administracion del Distrito Escolar de Lindsay


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